I also posted this in the Vanda group, but I'm definitely also a beginner:
Hi! I just got my first vanda about 2 weeks ago in New Orleans. I handle all the phals at work and my own and I've found the perfect level of neglect vs care for them and now I'm jumping into the care deep end. She's flowering size and has some flowers right now, 2 spent bracts, and maybe almost a foot of leaves? I'm not home so can't get a photo. I have her bare root in an 8" cedar basket hanging outside facing north under a stairwell where she'll get dappled light. I live in a an apartment so not much location, north south west east wise, can be done, but I can adjust how far under the stairway/direct sun she is. I had her peeking out a little behind my begonias and her bottom leaves began to yellow a bit. I've been
misting and/or sticking her in the shower 2x a day with water mixed with about 1/16 tsp of 20-20-20 and then dunking 2x a week, once with half strength 20-20-20. We aren't at peak humidity yet (its actually been nice here!) so I'm worried about dry out. Would it be prudent to toss a couple 1.5"-2" ish lava rocks in her basket? Not enough to "pot" her, just something to hold a bit more water

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