Hello guys!
This is my first post on this forum but I have been lurking for some time now and I have been able to learn a lot from you guys so thanks a lot!
Now my question is related to fertilizing. I have bought the Rain Mix fertilizer which is based on the MSU formula but this one is available in Europe. I was planning on mixing the fertilizer with my tap water since I live in an area with soft water but... I was wondering if you could tell me if the quality of my water is as such as I don't have much knowledge on how to read water quality. I am going to attach a picture of the water quality of my area which if I am reading correctly has 22 ppm so would that mean it would be safe to use with the fertilizer? I was also planning on using the value recommended which is 0,5g per liter of water
Sorry that the screenshot is in Spanish but from up to down it says:
- Calcium
- Hardness (the important value I think?)
- Magnesium
Then in the next column the values are the yearly average
Thanks a lot for reading all this and for the help! <3