Last year I featured this Phalaenopsis
schilleriana in this thread:
Confused - or multitasking - Phalaenopsis
I posted it in the Beginner Discussion forum because it addresses the question of whether or not to cut spent spikes, what to do with keikis...
Last year it grew leaves (but no roots) along the spikes, then went on to produce flowers. Following up...
One of the keikis finally produced two good roots, and I separated it, put it in its own basket. It's now blooming. But the other keiki produced just one small root, so I left it attatched to its old spike. That seems to have been the right choice, it produced a nice spike this year., The mother plant, though, went all out. This time it produced a many-branched spike that is about 35 inches (almost a meter) long, full of flowers. So, I have the monster spike and also the smaller spike that the keiki on last year's old spike also has produced. I'm not complaining, this is a wonderful plant! Here is what it looks like now.
It's growing in a wood basket with some sphagnum. But most of the roots have attached to the basket, so it's growing more like a mounted plant. I grow it hanging, it gets watered every 2 days.