accidentally damaged cymbidium while repotting
So back in January 26 of this year, i rescued a couple of cymbidium aloifolium. They were on a tree but a bunch of them got detached and were fallen on the road so i brought them home, potted them in coconut husk and charcoal in a clay pot. It has been close to a month and I wanted to see if there are any new growth in it and how are they doing since one of the plant started yellowing.
There were 4 new roots growths, and a spike that was very small like a needle.
Now, as I was repotting it, i accidentally broke off the spike. And now I'm scared if there'll be no more new growth in it and I might have damaged the new roots by disturbing it.
Can someone give me advice? I'm really confused and scared right now if I may have just broke off a potential flower spike.