I feel for you! I have a very nice Phal I got from Trader Joe's, a noid, but I'd bet it has some Phal schilleriana in it from the mottled leaves and pink flowers. Anyway, it put out a spike last September, bloomed in November and ended up with 40 or so flowers on a branching spike. The flowers lasted a couple months, fell off, and then in May of this year, I noticed a brand-new spike on the other side. That one got to be around six inches long, then one day when I was washing the windows in that room, I accidentally knocked it over and the last inch or so of the spike broke off, just above the lowest node. I was so mad I could have flogged myself!
I didn't do anything special to it, just figured the spike would eventually dry up, but a couple weeks later, I noticed the spike was continuing to grow right from the broken end. There is just the tiniest of kinks where the old spike ends and the new one starts. The new growth ended up being a foot long. It only put out four flowers, though there's another few inches of bare spike with nodes that never developed buds.
Still, all in all, I'm pleased with how everything turned out. Fingers crossed that yours will do the same!