I have a nice Angraecum sesquipidale (got it from Orchids Ltd last fall) and it's been doing well. It's growing in sphagnum which is how Orchids Ltd. was growing it. It was doing well!
I went away for a couple weeks, and halfway through someone watered it, but they put too much water in, so for about 5-6 days it was sitting in tray with about a half inch of water, thoroughly soaked. Immediately when I returned I emptied the water and sat the plant in a dry towel with some paper towels to wick the water away. This worked fairly well, but a few days later and it's still wicking some water. It's not close to crunchy dry yet. But I pulled the plant gently out of the put and checked the roots and they look fine actually, and one of them has a little root bud growing, and then I slide the plant back into the pot.
But since the day I got home, the newest leaf has been flopping over big time. I staked it so hopefully it stays up now, but I'm wondering if this is a problem, or if it's normal with new leaves on this species?
Theres also some odd white mold or something growing a little bit at the bottom of the pant that I noticed when I gently removed it from the pot.