I am looking for some companion orchids for my ghost orchids in my terrarium that mimics a swamp with cooler but still mild to warm, very humid, winter conditions. Does anyone have suggestions on some epiphytic species that will do well in these conditions?
I assume they also have to be small to go in the terrarium?
Check out Andys Orchids. He offers hundreds of small things that coykd work for you. Pleurothallids, mini dendrobiums and small Bulbophyllums for starters
Thank you DirtyCoconuts and Louis. Yes, ideally they would fit in my terrarium but I may put together a larger setup with more air movement in the future for the others.
My ghosts are still looking good for the most part. I will keep everyone posted.
I am ordering Oncidium ensatum and Tolumnia bahamensis and these should do fine in VERY bright shade outside in the summer.
Louis, do you grow Telipogon? You should start a thread and share with the board.