Aboard Cherlon, glad you have joined the OB, a great place to hang out, ask away and answer as well. We are all here to learn and no question is foolish to ask. As for your dend if you repot it, wait until it has completed its blooming cycle. They should be potted in porous and free to drain media. They have water storage organs called pseudo bulbs or canes. If they are plump and not wrinkled the dend is definitely getting plenty of water. With orchids they do not like to be repotted for a couple years’ intervals. Suggestively, you will find many of the OB members use plastic clear pots and the chids like it as well...guess you could say the roots like to see what is going on on the other side of the pot

... I am sure other members will add to this posting, if you can take some pictures so we can enjoy the bloom as well. Take advantage of the gallery,

says it all...keep us posted.