I doubt that it is simply adjusting because when they shed leaves due to this reason they usually drop the bottom ones and the leaves become yellowish more uniformly rather than with such ugly spots.
I also don’t think that it is sunburn because it is under a grow light and I would expect in this case the leaf that was closest to the light, so the highest, to suffer sunburn, but again, these leaves that are affected are in the middle of the plant. Also, I have another one, same species, sitting right next to it in the exact same conditions and that one is fine, so I think it’s some sort of infection since it is only affecting this plant and not its sister.
Temps in the house are about 27 C / 80 F and humidity about 45-50%. I will try to take it outside but I am afraid this is some bacterial thing and if I take it into 32 C / 90 F and +80% humidity it will only make it worse. I really love it and I don’t want to kill it. Especially since the sister plant is promised to a friend. Though happy at least that one is doing ok.