Gastrochilus japonicus help
Hi! I'm new to the board with a little orchid experience. I've had success in getting my orchids to spike in the past: first was a dendrobium, then phalenopsis, then neofinetia. Latest has been my gastrochilus japonicus.
I'm new to the gastrochilus japonicus, but it seems to be growing well and had spiked: a beautiful little cluster with 2-3 opening and 1-2 buds.
Here's my question: I watched my beautiful little cluster carefully and excitedly over a week. I watered it a couple days ago, then the spike lost the flowers and buds!
Can anyone tell me why I lost my new little blooms or tell me what I did wrong?
The GJ is growing in a bathroom with filtered western light. I mist at least 1x day (along with other orchids) for increased humidity.
Also, I'm in the northern hemisphere, so we are going into fall/winter. Should I expect that, after losing this spike, that GP needs a winter rest?
Thank you for any help!