Originally Posted by cowboy51278
I have a Den primulinum that gave me fits last fall. I cut the water off and backed off on the light to mimick a seasonal change and the only thing that happened is that the three oldest growths on the plant yellowed and died. So I went back to limited watering with no fertilizer and it held its leaves through the winter. About a month ago I started back with more light and slowly increased the fertilizer. Im getting some nice new growth and the leaves on last years growth are now starting to yellow and fall off. No blooms though. I had a friend suggest (think Ive posted this previously) that some of the Dens need a warm kick start in the spring with a sudden increase of light and then could use a good hearty cold snap in the fall otherwise they'll hold the leaves. She said she lets hers get snapped by a light frost and then for two weeks after slowly backs off on the water and fert as well as a decrease in its photo period. So Im going to try it this fall. Anyone else ever let their dens get (or any deciduous orchids for that matter) get nipped by a light frost to induce dormancy?
Couple things I know about this guy. It likes cool nights year around. It would definitely benefit from a "with-hold water" regimen for a short time (a couple months) during winter in your area. I would spray the roots and plant lightly every week or so, but no water. Is yours mounted or potted? That makes a diff. From what I can tell on this puppy, mounting is maybe the way to go so you can carefully controll moisture. It is definetely not a Phalenopsis type Dendro. But it's also not a type II "really hold back the moisture" Dendro either. Cool nights, and kinda cheapo on the moisture during winter should do the trick from what I can determine. If you get blossoms, please post pics. It looks like a stunner!