Originally Posted by (..._...)
Hmmmm ok... so they need a REAL no water rest starting until november... can they take high light? If so, I can place it on a southern window in winter, and since it gets cold here.. it will be high 50's- low 60's at night in right by the glass. Would that be okay?
Sounds puuurrrphect to me!

Mine hang in south window with all the light the Mother Nature chances to dish out (up our way that ain't much

) and it does just fine. The nobile Dendros really like high light, which, for 45 degrees latitude and north, means
FULL sun! 50s and 60s is great. They actually can take down to the mid 40s without damage while dormant. I suspect the combo of cold/dry winters and warming springs brings them into full bloom. At least for me. I noticed this year that mine started the new growths all reddish color but turned back to green as they got used to the shot of light they covet. I'd say you have the perfect setup and I really recommend a Dendrobium anosmum as a first try. Can't go wrong. Check these posts -
Dend anosmum and
Dendrobium anosmum In the second link you can see my window setup. That's a south-facing window with added 55 watt CF bulbs directly in front of the plants.