if it were me, i would split the three little ones down the middle and then aggresively scrub them with a wire brush. then id toss them in a bucket and let them sit in water for a day or two, rinse and repeat and then leave them in the sun for a week to dry and get biofilm
after that i would mount anything to them
the long one looks weird and i cant tell if it is charred or has bark or what so i have no advice on that
FYI- i have broken many rules of mounting and they generally work out as long as you keep the plant wet and let it dry and repeat.
Ive used unwashed drift wood, PT treated wood, wood i found at abandoned construction sites and the only wood that really did not work was pallet wood that i later found out was very toxic from the codes on it and i then paid $15 for proper disposal of and never picked up another pallet LOL
i just recommend you dont try a weird wood on a precious orchid you cannot replace. i use a lowes Phal for all first time mount experiments......mostly