Originally Posted by Roberta
Spraying fertilizer on orchid leaves is pretty much useless.. They don't absorb fertilizer through leaves
Sorry if I annoyed yet again Camille. The mods are seen as the guardians of information on this site much like my teachersback in school had a job of keeping the sand in the sandbox but also to make sure the right stuff was taught. In physics that meant relearning things as new things were discovered.
Telling the pupil to shut up is not the way to go. Some of my teachers did do that too but it just made me wish I had a better teacher.
Anyway, to clarify my view, I don't actually foliar feed. It's too much time consuming. I did try it on a deficient plant and I was pleasantly surprised that it did show good results but I completely agree with Dimples assessment that it is a waste of time generally.
I just wanted to address the point that they can absorb things through their leaves. It's not like they aren't physically able to do it.
Like said I don't do it. There's no harm doing it. It does provide additional (if minor) good results. So if you have the time then by all means it helps.
But that doesn't mean the orchids can't physically absorb nutrients into the leaves.
I know Roberta had read that article previously so why ignore it. I see what you are saying dimples but then it could just be worded it differently as in yes plants can but like I pointed out it is a waste of time since the roots absorb all they need.
Even I am getting a bit tired of this nonsense. It's not needed. Always the same over and over. Instead of just agreeing on what orchids can and can't do regardless of what we as growers do. There is enough research on the matter now for us to understand and even be able to analyze their DNA so lets leave the old myths and beliefs behind even as I will again point out foliar feeding is generally a waste of time.