ladies and gents, children of all ages, hearts both vast and miniscule, it's once again time to play...
for this episode we here at Dilapidated Orchids Galore bring you a mystery both new and old. it is one which has transcended the ages and the expanses of the human brain. it is the myth and the legend of the black pearl! enter fred clark and his magical lab (stage right and of course, dark shadows)
of course, the real mystery is why it isn't dead yet in our care. due to our expansive assets both real and imaginary, we were able to leverage 2 of these mythical creatures last year. they grew a little, then basically stopped in late summer. the one i would have placed my money on to bloom hasn't done squat but lose its leaves.
this little guy, however....potted too high, still holding on to 2 lush green leaves even though not having water for almost 2 months....has started to grow something new.
the same rules apply as in our winning decision is final

updates will be sporadic! and while our expectations should remain at an all time low, perhaps the deal will be sweetened for the winner. (but probably not)
respond A: spike stalls or all buds blast(or in't actually a spike, but a new growth)
respond B: flowers with 1 to 2 fully mature flowers
respond C: flowers with more 3 or more flowers.
as per usual, if responding B or C, you must include a date of first flower opening. winner will be correct response and closest date without going over.
may the power of the black pearl be with you all!!!!!