I had to cut off my spike because my phal roots went bad.
It had loads of budding and 1 or 2 bloomed, when i cut it.
instead if throwing it away i put it in water. later i refreshed with a bit of bloom fert.
i eventually lost many of the buds. but i got about 10 flowers.
so, every week or more like 2, i trim the spike end in hopes of helping keep it sucking up water and food.
even the original far end main spike tip (it has 6 branches) is green. i think it has become more green, actually (but i haven’t been able to get its old big fat bud to open — still alive though, interestingly.
in fact, this whole spike thing has been interesting.
so, what else can i do with a phal spike?
the end in the water is green as well.
i do tend to think it’s coming to an end, as far the 4 closed big buds that even still remain.
i thought about trimming way back the branches whose buds dropped; i believe “injury” often produces internal activity that kinda sparks the plant a bit. for example, i’ve had plants (other types, i’ve only ever had this 1 orchid) whose severe injury made them come back, when they do, even stronger than they were and that strength remains.
—i’m not going to do that, just going to let it go as i have been. …unless this thing could make roots or something, or induced to make something else. (?)
btw, phal is seemingly well, but not producing any (new) roots yet, not that i can see at all.

here are some pics: