Reporting back, though I think further testing is required. I tried it on a few plants right now and the readings I got were as below - in FC
App. Light meter
1.750-2250 / 765.6
1000-1250 / 515
1750-2000 / 2728
The thing I would note is the one where it was kind of in the ballpark - the last reading was on a hibiscus not an orchid and I think that more testing is needed with leaves of different colors / pigmentation. The first 2 are on a myrme ophila that has very light green to yellowish leaves since it gets a lot of light and the second one on a catt that is the same way so not sure if that is throwing off the readings. I will try it on some more on the other side of my house tomorrow if I remeber to see how it does with some of the other orchid species or other plants.
I agree with the calibration, my grandfather’s job was basically to calibrate measurement tools in a factory all his life so I know that it’s an ongoing process more than a one off, but for a hobby I think it’s a fun thing to do. It can at least give a good benchmark for the same user - for example I can tell that my front balcony gets about twice the light of my back porch. And I love numbers and toys so why not