Originally Posted by Nicolasdperez
Do catasetums bloom before or after dormancy? I am not sure which is why I haven’t stopped watering completely yet.
The answer to "before or after" is "yes".... it depends on which one. I have a Catamodes (catasetum x mormodes) that has been blooming for a month, with two pathetic leaves... definitely well into dormancy, and Ctsm. lucis which is blooming on completely bare pseudobulbs. Neither is getting any water. Now, some with Clowesia in them (Clowesetum, or straight Clowesia) tend to bloom in winter, completely dormant. My Clowesia Rebecca Northen is now in bud, completely dormant. It will start to put out new growth about the time of full blooming (a month or so from now) but will not be ready for water for two months or so after that. Why you haven't stopped watering? You know better than I do, but probably because you were waiting for the plant to tell you to stop by losing leaves. Sometimes, if they don't go dormant by themselves, they have to be pushed (especially some of the more complex hybrids)... Fred Clarke says that if they haven't gone dormant by the end of December, force the issue. So, that is now... (Like a little kid who says at bedtime, "But I'm not sleepy".... sometimes a parent just has to say "It's bedtime, anyway".