I ordered some orchids from SeattleOrchids.com and they were in transit for about 4 days, and then a friend of mine held the package for me for another 3 days. They were packed wrapped in packing paper stuffed with thinly shredded newspaper strips.
I opened the package today, and the plants are in nice condition aside from some leaf issues. No root or stem rot, or other obvious afflictions.
I need advice on the leaf issues, both of the plants are in 2 inch pots.
The Encyclia/Prosthechea fragrans has some leaves that seem dry, including the one in the picture. It is thin and a little "crispy", so I'm leaning towards it just being damage from heat or sun.
The Phal. hygrochila has me more puzzled, it has brown spots on the larger leaves, but they dont have the signs of infection that I recognize; no yellow edge. The leaves seem a little mushier in those spots.
For now, im just giving them all a little soak and rinse and leaving them in their given pots. Any advice would be appreciated, I would love to see these plants grow to blooming size and I intend to do what it takes to get them there. Thank you