Where did YOU hear bad advice to spray orchid roots with hydrogen peroxide?
Orchid board gets so many posts from new growers that include a familiar piece of bad advice that was followed. It goes something like 'I saw. (__symptom here__) so I took my plant out of the pot and sprayed the roots with hydrogen peroxide'. Usually followed by an observation that the orchid is sick or dying, or at least has lost more roots. I have even seen posts where hydrogen peroxide (HP) had been used for insect control.
It seems like the people that make these posts are reasonable people, trying to give proper care to their plants, but they have received the same piece of bad advice, and followed it, leading to orchid damage or loss.
To anyone that might have heard this advice before, whether you followed it or not, where did YOU hear advice to spray orchid roots with HP? One source or from multiple sources?
Last edited by Orchid Whisperer; 12-22-2021 at 08:16 PM..