A happy accident? Likely mislabeled plant.
Hello all,
I got this plant quite a bit ago and it has bloomed and it is not what I expected at all. This plant was supposed to be Bc. Mary Dodson (Schilleriana x nodosa) but I personally think that is improbable to say the least. I posted a photo of the Dodson below. It is the plant in the 4th picture with the speckled lip that is overall smaller and darker. I think mine is definitively not it.
For one, the flowers are massive. They are about 7 inches across and 6 inches up and down. Not only that, the lip is 3 inch long and 2.5 inches across. Perhaps most damning, the lip is serrated. Why? Because I think it has heavy digbyana ancestry.
Since my plant does have speckles in the throat, I think it too has nodosa ancestry. I think it is probably Jimminey Cricket. That said, the leaves are a lot flatter (less U-shaped, taller, and wider than my other crickets. This leads me to believe it is possibly Fairy Queen (cricket x glauca) or some other digbyana-glauca-nodosa cross. The other thing is that is smells a lot like Rhyncholaelia glauca (albeit even a bit nicer). It is probably most likely a plain cricket; but, even if it is, it’s certainly the nicest version then.
Am I upset? Not at all. It’s already a fast favorite and has taken the prime location of the bedside table. I mean, look at that amazing flower! It’s amazing? Not to mention the smell is easily one of the best if not currently the best in my collection.
I guess it is overall an okay outcome.
I have also a backlog of dozens bloom photos I could share. This one was pretty interesting.
Last edited by BrassavolaStars; 12-17-2021 at 01:49 AM..