Blooms mismatched with season?
I have a few plants that seem to be struggling after producing spikes months ago. It seems like they are trying to bloom at the wrong time of year so I am seeking advice here. The plants in question are Paph sukhakulii, Doritaenopsis Tzu Chiang 'Sapphire', and Oncidium Chiou Pin 'Chian Tzy Yangtze'. I'll describe what is going on with each one individually below and attach some photos.
Currently the temperature inside is up to 21 C and perhaps down to 19 C on the windowsill. I am in Austria and the current sunrise is at 0746 and sunset at 1618. I don't have supplemental grow lights. The plants simply sit on a windowsill
The Paph sukhakulii has been slow to grow the spike and it was laying on the side on top of the leaves before I staked it. It is rather limp. What I've read about the species indicates that it likes things warm and also likes a gentle winter rest. Because the bud is swelling I decided to water it more often than I would otherwise do this time of year. I don't know if this is why it is sulking a bit. Offshoots are currently forming new leaves.
The Dtps sapphire has taken several months to grow the spikes and buds. I've a couple of rather pale coloured flowers but it has also dropped some buds. It's very sad to discover buds on the windowsill after all this time! I've read elsewhere that this is a plant that likes it warm.
The Oncidium Chiou Pin 'Chian Tzy Yangtze' seems to have paused. It is certainly in need of repotting but I thought I should hold off until after it bloomed. Problem is, it hasn't bloomed and seems to not do anything at the moment.
Anyhow, I am open to advice and input and thank you for reading this!