Hello gang!
I have a question about repotting various orchids.
When you repot a Phal and spot dead roots, I know you are supposed to cut them back. However, do you cut just the dead part off if only half the root is rotten, or do you cut the whole thing from the base?
If you discover while repotting that an Oncidium has become so entwined with old moss medium that even soaking wont' help, what do you do? Just leave it alone? I had this happen to one of my Oncs that I was repotting last week. I know moss is not the best medium for those guys, but I plead ignorance! I repotted into bark, but there is still a wad of 2 year-old moss around the roots that I just can't get out without destroying the root system. I guess just let it be and hope for the best? Also, with Oncs, do they like to be slightly root bound like Dens do?