Hello everyone,
I have this wonderful little orchid that I have seen nobody else grow on OB so I don't know why I am asking this but just in case someone is experienced in growing and flowering a Mexicoa Ghiesbreghtiana I was wondering about the growth on mine.
If you look on pictures of the plant online you will see that some bulbs have two leaves, some bulbs have 1 leaf.
Mexicoa ghiesbreghtiana (as Odontoglossum warneri var. purpuratum) - Edwards vol 33 (NS 10) pl 20 (1847) with a spike growing from a formed pbulb.
This is my plant, as you can see the oldest bulb has 2 leaves and the newest growths only have 1 leaf
Is it of concern and if so what can I do to get it to grow 2 leaves?
Thank you for your ideas