PayPal is also a good choice. They tend to side with the buyer in a dispute.
The best method is just to buy from the bet dealers. Odom's, Hausermann, Sunset Valley Orchids, Akatsuka, OrchidWeb (although their prices are high), and I'm sure there are others. Those are just the first ones I think about. I'm sure others can add their feedback. Those are great vendors, and you are highly unlikely to have a problem, but if you do, they will make it right or you immediately.
A quick search around here will also bring your attention to some to avoid. Is there like a new rule or something about making negative comments about vendors? Most comments I've seen lately about bad doers have been kind of cryptic, and I have one vendor in particular to avoid, but I'm afraid to say the name now.
Oh, and to actually answer your question, open a dispute with your credit card company.
Last edited by JScott; 07-05-2021 at 08:55 PM..