Shadeflower |
07-06-2021 09:41 AM |
I'd be really surprised if an orchid died completely from shipping. I've had orchids dry a bit in the post and lose leaves but never has it killed one except arguably an angraecum once.
Flower shops on the other hand (especially the ones that post flowers), they are always in bad condition, I'm thinking the zygopetalums, the sharry babies (if it comes from a flower shop), the cambria's like Nelly Isler, the Miltoniopsis and the multiphals that develop root rot because the flower shop didn't water them correctly.
That can be avoided in my experience by buying from places that specialise "only" in orchids. But this can vary from place to place too of course and I have a shop I myself would never use again because they also do not water correctly.
One of their plants took a whole year to develop stem rot - now you might argue after 1 year it isn't really their fault anymore but I disagree, I bought two identical plants at the same time, after 1 year the good one is flowering, the bad one has developed stem rot - It is still alive and has prduced 6 keikis but the overall health of both orchids was very different to start with even though they looked identical when I bought them.