Originally Posted by SADE2020
Just go and get a new one you really like and enjoy it!
I really like this attitude, because it's reassuring for us newbies that sometimes in the course of learning, you will have failures. And you can...just get another one.
@sweta, I also live in a cooler climate (Northeast US - although right now it's hot and humid!!) and I'm learning how to adjust for that. I believe it's possible to grow phals and even have them do very well, especially since the Trader Joe's hybrids they sell here seem to be bred for hardiness. My mom, who knows nothing about orchid care, has been keeping them for years and they respike and rebloom and put out new leaves for her year after year.
I think my go-to resource is the "Here But Not" blog though, since
he is in a climate that is similar to mine.
Not to discount any other advice, of course! I would also love to get some oncidiums, but I feel like I should level up in my orchid and plant experience first before I spend big bucks on a special order orchid 😭