I once inherited a NoID phal from someone that was moving. They didn't want to take it along to their new place (partly because they didn't know how to care for them) but it was still in its original pot when I got it. Upon examination, it was actually 2 plants in one pot. Now I suppose they could have kept growing that way, but it seemed like they were trying to shove each other out of the pot, their leaves were all in each other's way, the spikes were intertwined, so on. I decided to repot them. After I did, they both went berserk with new growth, like they were waiting for that moment. Here is a picture of one of the two plants now.
If you were deadset on putting two in one pot, I would recommend miniature (or as small as you can find) phals in a large pot. However, my experience has taught me its better to have a cramped single plant in a pot, than 2 cramped plants in a pot. Just thought I'd share my 2 cents