If this belongs in another forum feel free to move it.
I finally received my Lc. Gold*Digger*'Fuchs Mandarin' (Red Gold x C. Warpaint)*from my friend in NJ. It came potted in a mix of medium bark/vermiculite/ sphagnum moss and is quite moist. My plan has been to switch to s/h but thought I would ask for some care advice first. As you can see, the plant looks healthy, with green roots and a new shoot. Not sure if this is spike or new growth. This is my first Catt alliance attempt. Will it set this plant back to repot now? If not, I have larger bark and s/h materials. (A combination of leca and rock wool cubes.) The plant is solid in the pot but appears a bit floppy. Should I stake it, or with it being outside in full sun (I have it under shade cloth) help the stems to grow more upright? Any advice from the cat growers is greatly appreciated.