Okay this is my first post!
First I want to say a HUGE thank you to Ray...who talked to me and made me feel like I can keep these orchids alive.
This Phal was given to me by someone who worked at our Grocery store...it was looking pretty sad and they were going to throw it. When I got it home I unpotted and the roots weren't that bad-did have pete plug which I removed. They had it right by the doors so I think it got cold burned and had dropped all the other buds. I repotted in Better Gro and added about 20% spag as its pretty dry in Michigan in winter. Though I do have a whole house humidifier and keep it between 45-50% pretty consistent. I think the roots are looking phenomenal....both spikes have new growths coming..one might have two. But, I am a little concerned that the stem looks dark and may have rot. My plan is to wait till I receive the KelpMax Ray is sending and dunk it like he is having me do with my baby I am trying to save. Anyone have any thoughts for me?
PS Ray...this is NOT the tiny little phal my friend gave me when I was so sick that I am trying to save. With that one, I did as you told me and potted her up in spag. She is hanging out until you send me KelpMax and then I will dung as instructed.
Hope I added the pics right.