My fertilized water starts looking like Kombucha
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My fertilized water starts looking like Kombucha
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Old 02-22-2021, 09:03 AM
ChrisMalaga ChrisMalaga is offline

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My fertilized water starts looking like Kombucha Male
Default My fertilized water starts looking like Kombucha

In the past, I've seen some "formations" in the water I use for my orchids. I make a mix between tap water and water from my dehumidifier, and the latter must have the presence of some bacteria (I have 2 cats and 1 dog and I periodically have to remove hair from that filter). I have seen some pinkish hues and residues in the water, after searching on the internet, the pinkish hue can be photosynthetic bacterias.
Now that I started adding some humic acid, nitrates and sometimes Kelpak to my fertilizer (which also contains a little percentage of birds manure), I think I could have made an even more prebiotic environment and whatever is forming there, starts looking like the early stage of a SCOBY. That thing looks a bit brownish due to humic acid.
I'm not saying that any of those elements (fertilizer, Kelpak, humic acid) is contaminated, as this thing was already there before I used them, it must come from my environment.
I flush my bucket when it's empty, but I don't use any chemicals or desinfectants.
Yesterday, I wanted to see how this could go adding a tablespoon of sugarcane in about 2 gallons of this water. In just 24 hours, I definitely see the surface is being covered with a "jelly" that looks like it could be cellulose created by some bacteria or yeast (or fungi?).
I'm not going to use that water for my orchids now, at least until I have some idea of what I could be doing, but I will wait at least a week and then use it for some other plants, as experience breeding kombucha and kefir tells me that in the early stages of any fermentation there can be harmful bacteria, but these could be killed after the beneficial ones create their antibiotics.
I have seen that PH raised a bit (from 5.8 to 6.3) contrary to Kombucha/Kefir fermentation, suggesting me that the process could involve some Bacillus bacteria that create alkaline fermentation, but unfortunately also some Aspergillus do the same.

Now I know that some of you are very skeptical and will probably say "throw that thing immediately", or may find this gross. I'm very interested in the theme of Autochtonous Efficient Microorganisms (EMA) and the idea I could create a colony excites me and I think I will continue with this experiment. I also know this could be dangerous, so I will continue my research and tests. If you have any ideas of how to continue this test, or had a similar thing happening, let me know!
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Old 02-22-2021, 09:13 AM
Orchidtinkerer Orchidtinkerer is offline

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My fertilized water starts looking like Kombucha

I use my dehumidifier water for my humidity trays. It's a bit of an endless cycle. The dehumidifier removed the moisture from the air and I add it to the humidity trays for my orchids to transpire it back to the air but after reading how mould spores routinely build up in the dehumidifer water (definetely not safe to drink) I do not use it for my orchids to water.

However I have seen a discussion on another forum where a majority of people claimed they used theirs for years with no ill effects.

I think you have answered your own question already but good you are showing what actually does lurk in some dehumidifier water.
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Old 02-22-2021, 09:20 AM
ChrisMalaga ChrisMalaga is offline

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My fertilized water starts looking like Kombucha Male

I have used dehumidifier water for years, without visible side effects. There are microorganism everywhere (we have more bacteria in our body than our own cells), the only thing that matters if the balance between the "good ones" (those that are beneficial for us, or for plants) and the "bad ones" (those are beneficial only to themselves and detrimental for us, or the plants) is in favour of the first ones!
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acid, bacteria, create, fermentation, water

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