Originally Posted by Roberta
As long as the plants are OK, they'll bloom again... and may send out new side branches on the budless spikes. (Buds are, indeed, fussy about changes of conditions, the plants themselves much more tolerant) "Bloom fertilizer" isn't ... it's just a formulation lower in nitrogen, it won't facilitate blooming. Your goal is just to keep the plants healthy - which it seems you're doing very well. They'll do their thing naturally... if not this season, then next, or some time in between, either on the existing spikes or will send out new ones.
Do these look to you like tiny healthy mittens coming? I have 4 phals who just miiiight be trying to bloom again - I hope!
One is coming off a lower bracket so I think one of them at least is trying for showtime again?! The others have yellowed ends so don't expect them to regenerate at tips unless further down like you said.
I gave them all a nice soft tepid water spray bath yesterday with very weak balanced fert, wiped leaves down and spoke encouragingly...

crossing fingers and toes!!