Is adding moss into the potting mix ok?
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Is adding moss into the potting mix ok?
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Old 02-17-2021, 12:22 PM
Dr. Dave 4u Dr. Dave 4u is offline

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Is adding moss into the potting mix ok? Male
Default Is adding moss into the potting mix ok?


I'm trying to come up with a general use potting mix ...make this hobby a bit easier...

When repotting in bark with some charcoal do you think adding a bit of sphagnum moss/orchid moss to the mix is safe to extend the drying out time to keep the watering*schedule down to once a week in winter? This would be in aerated see thru repot pots which then would sit loosely in decorative plastic pots with drain holes and saucers. I know there are many factors but as a general guide please share your suggestions.

What % of charcoal?

What % of moss would you guess would be best?*

What orchids would do ok with this?
With cats, cymb, onc, dendr, epiden etc would this work?*

With phals I've read a moss bark 50/50 is good?

I'm trying to find a list of which orchids like wet feet, which like to dry out etc etc...but cannot seem to find one...any help here?
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Old 02-17-2021, 12:31 PM
dbarron dbarron is offline
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Is adding moss into the potting mix ok? Male

Why you can't find such a list is because there are no hard and fast rules and no schedules.
Only you can determine if it will work for you..with the possible risk of rotting some plants to determine that. Maybe start small?

Some plants spagnum works great with, some it will probably be the kiss of death.
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Old 02-17-2021, 12:52 PM
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camille1585 camille1585 is offline

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You can mix whatever you want, in the proportions you want. It all depends on the needs of the specific orchid and what you are trying to achieve... The proportions can also depend on your climate. If you live somewhere hot and dry you can add more moisture retentive materials than someone who has cool damp winters.

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Old 02-17-2021, 02:37 PM
Orchidtinkerer Orchidtinkerer is offline

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Is adding moss into the potting mix ok?

I'm with barron on this one.
I try to make my life growing orchids as easy as possible. When I first started I was surprised to see this is not the approach most take.
A lot of time I would actually see people making their life as hard as possible growing their orchids. Their reasoning being that they are doing the best they can.
The best you can do is to keep them alive longterm. If I plant my orchids to need daily care well long term I will neglect them a bit and that will be that. Some weeks I have lots of time, other weeks I have no time to look after my plants.
Not my preferred method. Wet growing, dry growing, keeping orchids dry in winter, having a time to stop and start watering, feeding at certain times, this is all unnneccessarily complicated to me and long term I'd give up.
So my approach is to grow every single orchid the same. Wet growers, dry growers, orchids that should stay dry in winter etc I grow them all the same for convenience and so I don't happen to neglect any individual ones (although they do all need different temperatures still depending where they are from)

Yes I lose the occasional one but that happens, if you keep fish, you will lose some too, it is annoying as orchids are expensive but that is just how it is.

I have stll only lost under 5% of orchids I'd guess so to me the best approach is not what is considreed the best approach but the approach that will keep my orchids alive long term.

Edit: So since my dendrobium nobile hybrid is flowering at the moment and all I ever hear is that you have to keep it dry to encourage flowering, I will show mine for comparison. Look up some flowering nobiles and most of the time you will see the plant has lost all its leaves because people religiously record when to stop watering, when to resume watering, when to start feeding and so on.
This one stays watered all year, no change to its growing schedule, the weather tells it when it is time to flower and it practically grows by itself.
My preferred way. So also very doable like this without keeping it dry
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Last edited by Orchidtinkerer; 02-17-2021 at 03:08 PM..
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