I use and sell the identical product under its trade name Quantum-Total. Quantum Orchid is simply a private label version.
Probiotics, in general, serve to attack pathogens, secrete antibiotics to keep others at bay, secrete auxins that stimulate plant growth, and depending upon the species used, can offer other benefits, as well.
This particular product contains a nitrogen-fixing species that make fertilizer right from the air and a photosynthetic one that produces sugars (fuel), both right inside the plant. As has been mentioned in another thread here, it also contains a species that has been shown to kill certain viruses and stimulate the plant to be more disease resistant.
Used regularly, you aren’t likely to see significant improvements in the plant, but they will stay healthier overall, and after a while, you’ll suddenly realize that your collection is seeing fewer rots.
Last edited by Ray; 01-25-2021 at 07:48 AM..