Hey guys
Added a phalenopsis to my palendarium today. This is going to be my first proper attempt at keeping an orchid.
If you see anything wrong, please let me know
Also, i have a couple questions (links to threads would be greatly appreciated)
1) With the tricky way ive decided to mount the plant, would
misting the roots lightly everyday be sufficient?
2) fertilising: can i added feterliser to the
misting liquid. If so, quantities and mixes please
3) Flower spikes...can you low stress train them? Ideally, I’d like the flower spikes to hang downwards in the future as i may be looking at adding a lid to the palendarium to house a poison dart frog or 2
4) flower spikes again...how should i be cutting them after theyve finished flowering? Or should i not cut at all?
Some additional info: stuffed some sphagnum moss between the roots and rock, but not much. I have a small water feature, but no water flowing onto the roots, so we’re good there. My bedroom is a bit cold most of the time, but makes up with decent ambient light throughout the day, plus the leds ive added. Setup is a couple months old now. Trim the ferns and ivy quite regularly. Also have 2 shrimp and 2 cory’s living in the water.
Pics to follow

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