Hi wigun,
everything I know tells me in theory it should work but I have never purposefully done it - I have shone a light up against a reflective surface that would then shine down on the plants. This was done because of height restrictions mainly as I couldn't fit the light above them but I could have shone the light from below. So although in theory yes, I am guessing you might have to provide a bit more light if you only light up the underside, I personally prefer to shine the light form above.
Some of my vandas that grew towards the light would get turned around every so often to straighten the plant, the leaves would be facing the wrong way when the plant is turned like this and it can take months for the leaves to turn around in which time they are being illuminated from the bottom so I don't think they seem to mind too much.
Eventually what will happen I am guessing is that the leaves will start to curl and bend upside down to best collect the light.