Went back to water my phal, looked at the roots and see some nasty looking white dots, they’re in different sections, (and scare the crap out of me) Could you guys identify and tell me what i can do to fix it? Definitely going in to repot it tomorrow, but will this affect the basil keiki in any way? Thanks -Lauren
PS if its not clear enough to identify, ill show more pictures when i repot.
Unlax, Doc. It's probably fungal mycelium growing on decomposing bark. Almost all visible white fungus is saporophytic, meaning it only attacks organic matter that's already dead.
You guessed right, time to repot. Don't treat with fungicide. Just repot into fresh medium and the problem will go away. Fungicide will kill beneficial organisms that keep the harmful ones in check.
__________________ May the bridges I've burned light my way.