Blondie- I feel your pain... some people complain that their orchid isn't flowering. me? No! I just want the darn roots to live! phals are fine with me... but I really want to grow other types... and so far... I am unsucessfull

... but the more mistakes I make, the more I learn.. er.. well I am hopefully learning!!
Also, I find you are often better off to buy from an orchid grower than from an orchid show... growers HAVE to keep their plants if nobody buys them, which means they are usually healthy, but at orchid shows, they know that they will sell most of their plants, so if some are in an iffy condition... then they probably don't care!! Well thats just my opinion, I have purchased nice orchids from shows, and some that died after having them for only 3ish weeks.
Don't give up! good luck