I started mixing my own media (primarily for cattleyas, dendrobiums). I’m using a mix of medium and small Orchiata bark, sponge rock, medium hydroton and charcoal. I’m finding that the media is drying out very quickly. Within 3 days, a skewer comes out pretty much bone dry.
My orchids are kept at a steady 85F / 60-70% humidity during the day and It drops down to about 70F/40% humidity at night. I keep an oscillating fan running during the day, as the humidity does get over 70% sometimes, but it’s a good 8-10 feet from the plants and it doesn’t stay blowing in any one spot very long.
Does this seem normal? I am soaking them for 20-30 mins every time I water are still very dry.
I’ve included an image of one of them below so you can see what the media looks like.