Hello eyesof, and Welcome!
Your plants don't look too bad to me, don't give up on them! I've learned way more from the problematic ones than the easy ones.
I think the main lesson has been this: you can't MAKE them grow, but you can create the conditions that LET them grow. Watch them, see how they respond to what you're doing, but don't over-dote! No need for rooting hormone.
That's good advice from Roberta on watering.
I have to admit, I have a hard time not doting on these gorgeous flowers. I did buy another and (god willing) will buy more when they go on sale. Experimenting a little bit.
Minuscule 12 day update:
--> Phal 1 (with the most roots): re-potted it in fir bark and sphagnum moss. It hasn't changed its colour or showed any outer signs of stress. I haven't looked at the roots. I will check on them in 2 months time. Just watering them with warm water for the time being.
-->Phal 2 (least to no roots): similar re-potting. Most of the roots have turned mushy brown. It had 4 green leaves , one turned yellow and has sadly left us. Down to 3 leaves. I have sphag and bagged it. Cleaned it with Hydrogen peroxide and put some rooting hormone on it. No signs of yellowing yet, but, am running into issues with fungus or mold. I keep cleaning it off.
Phal 2's leaf started showing signs of yellow the day after I re-potted it. Since I have spah and bagged it (minus 1 leaf), the 3 remaining leaves have stayed the same.
I will just ignore these phals for a while and see the reaction I get.
If you get fungus and mold on a plant in sphag & bag, it may be too wet inside the bag. It is high humidity that stimulates the plant to form new roots, not water. The sphagnum moss should be slightly moister than crisp dry, and it should not be possible to squeeze out any water with your hand. Fungi and white mold tend to grow on already-dead tissue rather than live tissue.
What is the relative humidity inside your home? If it is over 50% it might be fine to pot Phal 2 normally, into a small pot for the plant, and let it grow new roots in the pot.
__________________ May the bridges I've burned light my way.
I am not sure. I live in Ontario. The temperatures are cool in the mornings and normal humidity for the rest of the day.
I did put a bigger hole in the bag. There were water droplets inside it.