Phalenopsis - Help needed :(
Hello everyone, this is my first post in the forum and (unfortunately) I'm seeking for advice! I've been reading for a while all the resources around but I am really unsure how to make sense of my situation. I had orchids in the past but not where I currently live...
The situation is that I have 3 moth orchids, received from the shop 2 days ago. They are still blooming, with 3/4 buds each but the flowers are starting to wilt fast. The roots and the leaves look completely fine.
I do not know what can be the reason for such a fast wilting of the flowers, bearing in mind that there are still buds:
- I don't think it's lack of humidity as I also have a humidifier and humidity values tend to be high (>60). I live in Jakarta but avoid using aircon in the living room also to maintain these humidity levels constant...
- In just 2 days since receiving the orchids, I didn't do any watering as the roots are green, leaves are up, nothing indicates they need water...
- In terms of light, they are facing a south window with a sheer curtain, but light levels might be high due to it being a full wall window (see pictures). This is my only hypotheses on why they are potentially wilting fast but all I read is that's okay to have them near a window with a sheer curtain...
I'm attaching some pictures, in case you can give me some advice.
Last edited by Nach_; 05-23-2020 at 10:00 AM..