Two friends with brown thumbs
I bought two YoungHome Little Spirit Mini Phals a few months ago. They were one of my favorites, and in an unthinking moment, gave both away to 2 different friends, Neither claim to have a green thumb but thouht maybe with the repoting into SH it would be easy for them. I then realized what I had done, and started searching the web for a replacement, even a seedling. Only little spirit was in Thailand. I was talking to one friend today and ask how the gifted orchid was doing. She sort of hesitated. I then asked has she lost her flowers yet? Yes and I think I killed it. smile. I then offered to give her another orchid and I would take the non bloomer back. NO No no, she said, I don't have the time to take good care of her. I don't want another orchid. There is an old saying in the US, Indian Giver, meaning to give something away then want to take it back. However, I am adopted Isleta and spent many summers there with my adopted mom. What I learned is Native American Indians, give things away, if someone else admires the gift given to them. No matter that the person who first gave the gift and their feelings might be hurt. American Indians, or as Mama Lucy called themselves, "Indians." Now the two women I gifted with Little Spirits are both part Pueblo Indians, even tho primary heritage is Hispanic with family in New Mexico back to the 1700s and before that Mexico and before that Spain. So thanks to my brown thumbed friend, I get my orchid back...whee I am so happy.