Originally Posted by Brian1212
Hi Newgirl,
welcome to the forum. I don't like this forum very much as it just has a lot of trolls that will all want to give you their opinion without seeming to own many orchids themselves.
This offends me. I have never seen any TROLLS here, just experts that have been growing and members here and or administrator/moderators for many years, several since the site started.
Yes there are different opinions, and strong ones frequently, for we all live in different parts of World, Europe, Australia and USA primarily.
I am in dry New Mexico, mid west US, the humid and hot south, with moderate winters usually, very wet Florida, California with many different climates,
Spain, with Islands that have sand storms from Africa, New England and northern Midwest with the hot summers and very cold winters. One grower that also provides some wonderful products for sale and live on an Island off the east coast.
That is just a few of the long time and newbees like me and even I have strong openions and preferences in mediums.
Before You start calling all the members here trools, maybe you should have Trooled a while longer and posted more than a couple of dozen times, as an expert, and not be so critical of the members here.
This is a time of crisis in our world, perhaps we all should be kinder even on the Web.