Originally Posted by DrDawn
To me it looks like it might be too little water! What sort of humidity are you growing them in? The bark drains quickly and phals don't want to be too dry for too long, so once a week might not be enough water to keep them well-hydrated. For comparison, I grow most of my phals in 3-4" pots and I generally water every 2-3 days (growing indoors in Boston, MA, indoor humidity around 70% in summer, 40-50% in winter).
That sounds plausible! I water once a week where I fill the pot with water, let is soak for 30 mins, then drain it. My house is pretty dry ranging 50-60% humidity.
How should I water them - logistically? Should I do a small amount more often so there isn't water pooling in the pot or maybe some other way?