Den. orchid haul and potting/mount suggestions
We had a silent auction at our society's meeting last night (Wed. night) and I won a small Den. amethystoglossum. I later won a small Den. Lee Chang Yi Miriam (Den. secundum x Den. smilliae) during the raffle; the Den. was placed there due to no one bidding on it during the silent auction. These two dens came from Thailand from one of our vendors from our show a month ago, so they're still in a thin flimsy plastic pot with sphagnum moss.
I took a look on to get more info on the amethystoglossum and the parents of the Den. Lee Chang Yi Miriam. Oy, the amethystoglossum eventually will get pretty big, and I suspect the Den. Lee Chang Yi Miriam will, too. I'm trying to figure out if I should pot or mount the both orchids. I read the parent, Den. secundum is best mounted, but what about the Den. smilliae? The Den. amethystoglossum and the Den. Lee Chang Yi Miriam would do best in a window facing what direction? East, Northeast, or Southeast? Can someone please advise me on what to do? I'd appreciate it, and thank you in advance.
My conditions: Winter (in my house) day 68°F 40-55% humidity and night 65°F 40-55% and Summer (in the enclosed, screened-in porch) night +/- 55°F and day +/- 60-90°F +/- 55% (estimated humidity). I normally have my dendrobiums in the enclosed screened-in porch during spring, summer, and autumn which faces NNE and ENE.
Last edited by SpclK; 04-07-2020 at 02:53 PM..
Reason: No one responded to my questions.