Originally Posted by rbarata
I'm not sure what you want to do.
I think it was Dolly that suggested it be opened up again, and a few that have been around here for a while, thought it was a good idea for new comers and the experts to get to know each other more, and to keep me on topic, I think.

And I agree. I do wander a bit. Just call me M and M for Motor Mouth, I knew someone that talked more than me when I lived in Maui many moons ago and we called him m and M .
I do 2 things really well, chatter on, but the best is ask Questions. I have so much to learn about Orchids and this for sure is the best place on the web.
I am trying to stick to Phals and Onc.s But in March I am joining the NM Orchid Guild. Speaker is a specialist in Minis. So who knows what I will come home with. I have 14 total

now and not a lot more room. However I fall in love easily.