How can I save this trichopilia
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Old 10-31-2019, 01:46 AM
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How can I save this trichopilia Male
Default How can I save this trichopilia

Hello all,

I regretfully write that this orchid has seen fairly better days.

From the moment I acquired it, it never liked me or the care I was giving it. I probably should have moved it out of moss to fine bark like my other trichopilias that are thriving but I thought the prior owner had it in moss for a reason so I kept it like that. For my conditions, I think this was a mistake.

Is there any way to save it? I am not sure I will be able to find one of these (Trichopilia x Ramonensis) ever again.

I unpotted it to look at the roots and it seems there are no living ones and the area where it was divided is kind of degraded. I also cut off several rotten, soft leafless pseudobulbs yet the rhizome wasn’t so great either as it was kind of like old coconut coir in many sections.

Right now, I am soaking it in cleary’s for a few hours and then intend to give it the KLN treatment.

Hopefully someone has good method for me to save it or the next question I’ll be posting is if anyone knows where I can purchase another one of these.
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Old 10-31-2019, 06:45 AM
katrina katrina is offline
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How can I save this trichopilia Female

I think that's likely a goner. I grow lots of Trichopilia...well, I used to. They can be a pretty fussy group of orchids and tend to really get upset when temps are too high. I lost 7 or 8 this summer w/the extended extreme high temps (much higher than 80) we had. They got so rough looking that I just pitched them because once a trichopilia goes into's very hard to bring them back. Especially if it's only a small piece. I've tried more times than I can recall.

I currently have 5 left...all looking pretty bad but I might be able to save these.

These guys are very sensitive to hot temps...they do best in the low end of intermediate. When unhappy you'll notice lots of leaf loss...they turn black and sort of melt off the plants...but it's not like a regular rot...they are just unhappy. It usually won't spread to other orchids.

I have found that they do like to be moist all the time so sphag can work very well if the watering is controlled. Because I grow outside in the protection from rain...I grow mine in a small orchiata mix w/the bottom 2 or 3" of the pot filled w/leca. In the winter they sit in a saucer of water so they stay moist all the time. I grow under HO T5 light and they are very drying...w/out the "wet butt" treatment I would lose them to too dry conditions because I only water most things once a week.

Temps are the biggest thing in keeping them happy. They seem to do well w/my winter lows down to 60 and highs in the 70s. When the summer temps get much over 80 is when I notice issues beginning. And, as I said, once they head into can be very hard (if not impossible) to bring them back.

I had a few this past summer that were large, gorgeous, and bloomed reliably every year. Unfortunately, when our temps decided to go into the 90/upper 90s and stay there for long periods...I lost some of those large plants. It was a brutally hot summer...and they just don't do well in that kind of heat.

A friend grows a rather large group of Trichopilia (I have gotten most of mine from him) and he keeps them in an air conditioned space during the summer. He built an enclosure under his g/h benches that he pushes the cold air through so they stay quite a bit cooler than the upper part of the g/h. It's enclosed but still get light and that cold air is pushed through the "tunnel" to keep them cool when temps start going over 80. He grows them great and still...some just aren't what you'd call pretty.

They are not a great plant for beginners so if you're doing well with the others then consider yourself lucky and cut your losses w/this one. Focus on the healthy ones and look for another x ramonenis later.

Look for a marginata...they are prettier than the x ramonensis. I lost mine this summer...that one hurt a lot because it was a large plant...over growing a 6" pot.

I have Maria (Trpla. Evaline x Trpla. suavis), Charles (Trpla. suavis x Trpla. marginata), Tennis (Becky Unruh x suavis), Charles x ramonensis, and the species galeottiana. I had many more than this and given how fussy they can be...I likely won't add anymore in the future. it's just too frustrating.

I should also add that they can sulk for quite awhile after dividing so if you get a division...make sure it's established or you could find yourself nursing a piece that never recovers. Same with imports...I have only about a 50% survival rate w/imports. Seedlings are the best way to go...if you can find them.

When you repot these guys...disturb the roots as little as possible...again, they can sulk from root disturbance and/or root loss. Once they go into is almost always a very uphill battle.

Last edited by katrina; 10-31-2019 at 06:49 AM..
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Old 10-31-2019, 05:14 PM
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How can I save this trichopilia Male

Thank you for your reply.

I think that you are right.

It started to decline in the summer when temps were above 100F and after a few weeks of 90F+, the leaves started falling off and the roots started dying and it has not recovered.

Would anyone know where I might be able to find a replacement? I really want to have an Trichopilia x Ramonensis in my collection.

I already have the Suavis and the Tortilis and always wanted the Ramonensis. Sadly, this one did not work out and I would really like to have another one.
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Old 11-01-2019, 06:18 AM
katrina katrina is offline
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How can I save this trichopilia Female

You are very welcome.

Trichs are not easy to find, as you know. I'm not aware or any x ramonensis anywhere right now but if I run across one, I'll let you know. You might want to hold off on shipping anything if the temps are too cold anyway. Set backs and all.

I am on a few out of country sellers' email lists and if you're willing to take a chance on imports then I can forward you the lists when I start get them. They send them out a few months before they come to the US for shows and all will send the plants once they get into the states.
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Old 11-02-2019, 01:12 AM
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How can I save this trichopilia Male

Originally Posted by katrina View Post
You are very welcome.

Trichs are not easy to find, as you know. I'm not aware or any x ramonensis anywhere right now but if I run across one, I'll let you know. You might want to hold off on shipping anything if the temps are too cold anyway. Set backs and all.

I am on a few out of country sellers' email lists and if you're willing to take a chance on imports then I can forward you the lists when I start get them. They send them out a few months before they come to the US for shows and all will send the plants once they get into the states.

Thank you so much for your reply. I would love to have those lists when they are available. I am going to a few auctions in the coming weeks such as my local auction and the AOS one in Morristown, NJ so maybe I’ll see another trichopilia there. I got this one at an auction in NJ so maybe another Jersey auction will have more.

You are also right about the shipping. I placed what is likely my last order of the year a few days ago.

Thank you for all your help.
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Old 11-02-2019, 06:53 AM
katrina katrina is offline
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How can I save this trichopilia Female

Good luck at the auctions...I hope you find some trichs.

As the lists come in...I'll be sure to pass them along.
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moss, rotten, save, soft, trichopilia

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