Hello all,
I regretfully write that this orchid has seen fairly better days.
From the moment I acquired it, it never liked me or the care I was giving it. I probably should have moved it out of moss to fine bark like my other trichopilias that are thriving but I thought the prior owner had it in moss for a reason so I kept it like that. For my conditions, I think this was a mistake.
Is there any way to save it? I am not sure I will be able to find one of these (Trichopilia x Ramonensis) ever again.
I unpotted it to look at the roots and it seems there are no living ones and the area where it was divided is kind of degraded. I also cut off several rotten, soft leafless pseudobulbs yet the rhizome wasn’t so great either as it was kind of like old coconut coir in many sections.
Right now, I am soaking it in cleary’s for a few hours and then intend to give it the KLN treatment.
Hopefully someone has good method for me to save it or the next question I’ll be posting is if anyone knows where I can purchase another one of these.