Hey folks,
I have recently fallen in love with Promenaeas and was wondering if anyone has experiences with them?
I've done a bit of research and I am quite hopeful that they would do well in my apartment. My temperature range is probably between 18° and 21°C (65° bis 70°F) during the day with a small drop at nighttime which I reckon should be acceptable, but my light levels are pretty low. Where it would most likely be sitting it would receive indirect light from a window overhead but no direct sunshine, ever. Do you find they are fussy about humidity? As it will be rather low in this room.
I am currently looking at P. colmaniana (a hybrid between P. xanthina and P. crawshayana, I gather) as this is the only one I can seem to find in the UK, and I would rather not order something from across the Channel.
Thanks as always for your expertise