Bl Yellow Bird Is it too late in the year for repot?
Hello everyone,
Its been a while since I've posted but I have a question about my new Bl Yellow Bird. Its a 'bag baby' from a local big box outlet and I'm thinking from past experience is that the media a bit dodgy. I am also see a bit of salt build up on a few pieces of the media. With it coming on mid-October though is it too late in the year to repot it?
I've repotted the Bl Yellow Bird in a leca/bark mix (heavier on the leca) in a clear pot with an air cone/side ventilation. It's a bit over potted but the bottom of the pot up to the top of the air cone is covered in straight Leca to help with drainage. Right now I have it on a seedling mat to help stimulate root growth since we've had a significant drop in temperatures today and freeze warning for tonight.