Disfigured light colored new leaf on phal
I have a new phal that spent more time than I'd like in less-than ideal conditions. Quarantine for new plants. Then extended quarantine after another new plant (not this one) was found to have mites. Quarantine does not have as steady a light or temperature or humidity as my normal growing location.
This plant grew a new leaf (in progress), but instead of being uniformly dark green, the base of the leaf is much lighter in color and not as firm/substantial. Not mushy or anything, but not a firm dark green leaf. This is not what I'm used to seeing. And the leaf is not flat. It is folded or wavy. I've attached photos.
Any thoughts on what would cause a leaf to grow this way?
Assuming I'm moving the plant to normal conditions (just did that) where I've never had any troubles, will this leaf recover?
Finally, if I lose the center leaf of the phal, am I in
NOTE: I'm having trouble uploading photos. I think they are too big. Base of leaf is pale. Leaf is not flat. Like bibb lettuce. No part is pitted or anything, just the overall shape is bad. Will post pics later if I can.
Jeffrey R
Last edited by JeffreyR; 09-28-2019 at 09:17 AM..